Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Things!

Happy New Year to my sweet and loyal followers!  How many of you made 2013 New Year's resolutions?  Care to share them with me?  Here are some of mine.

#1 - Let go, let flow!
Once in a while I find myself mixed up in unnecessary drama either with family or friends.  Drama that I could really do without.  Most times, it's truly because I care and want to help.  But the reality is that sometimes it's best to just let folks figure things out on their own.  So I have come to a place of discernment where I have started to ponder (before hand) whether I should just mind my business or not.  More times than not, I'm going to mind my business.  I refuse to spend what little time I have on earth worrying about other people's problems.  I like to think that I'm a caring person but I do believe that sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish for the sake of your own sanity.  The truth is, you can't help everyone but you can pray for them. With that said, this year, I choose to let go and let it flow.

#2 - Reduce the Waistline!
I'm back on my workout grind.  I haven't set a goal as yet but I am aiming for a smaller waistline, toned arms and legs.  The tummy is usually where I put on the most weight.  It's all the carbohydrates that I love to eat - like the bakes aka Johnny cakes (as we Kittitians call them), beef/chicken patties (with coco bread),  rice, pasta, potato chips, etc.  These foods are tried and true comfort foods for this gal!  So I'm on a mission to find healthier comfort foods with way less calories to assist me on my journey.  Please feel free to include suggestions for healthy substitutes if you comment on this post. ;-)

#3 - Spending more time with God!
So I started my morning devotions in 2012 and I plan to continue them in 2013.  In addition to prayer, reflection and worship, I am also incorporating some bible-based podcasts that I listen to on my way to and from work by my favorite motivational speakers. As the good book says, "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17).

#4 - More Family Time!
Last but certainly not least, my family.  I am determined to devote more time to my family, assessing our needs and spending more time together.  Whether it's through vacations, staycations, weekend trips, holidays or just time at home. I'm aiming to just saturate myself in this amazing blessing called family.

I hope you guys have your resolution list typed up and ready to go.  Even if you don't have a list of four items, at least choose one goal that you will work towards in 2013. 

Blessings and Prosperity to you all for this New Year!

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