Monday, March 4, 2013

The second child always gets the short end of the stick!

It's the funniest phenomenon, when we have our first child, we do everything for them!  We have the biggest baby shower. We buy the best products with the best reviews.  We have a gazillions pictures taken of them.  We send out new arrival cards. We plan this enormous 1st birthday party.  We rush to have them christened.  We travel all over the world with them. We nurse them for up to one year (well some of us). :-)  We devote lots of attention to what they eat, giving them the healthiest foods.  We even spend lots of time on potty training.  But when the second child comes along, we quickly realize that all that time we had to prepare for the first child is now suddenly gone!  All that energy that we had with the first child is also gone.  We become exhausted and mommy brain takes over again but now it's double the dose!

I can tell you for me personally, I'm so glad my little man is still too small to even notice that short end of the stick. I wasn't able to send out baby arrival cards for him. I was hardly able to get many professional baby pictures of him taken. He was christened later than my daughter.  I had to put off his first birthday party because we were moving, so he didn't get a first birthday party. And I definitely didn't nurse him for a year! But despite all these things, I know he could definitely say that he is truly loved!

Ultimately, that's all our little ones really want is to know that they are loved.  They want to know that mommy and daddy are there for them.  We parents try to do the best that we can and if we are putting in that 100 percent, I'm sure our little ones notice.  We can feel they're appreciation in the tightness of their hug and the wetness of their little kisses.  The way their faces light up, the bright eyed expression, the cheek to cheek grin says it all when you walk through the door from a long day.  So to all the parents out there with multiple children, try not to be too hard on yourselves. Check out these cute, yet witty images courtesy of Being Mommy on Facebook.

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