Monday, September 10, 2012

The Never-Ending Balancing Act: What to do when you have too many commitments?

Let me know when you all figure it out!  Just kidding!  :-) SIGH!  When I begin to feel overwhelmed, I truly just feel like I could crawl up under a rock and escape it all.  But what good would that do me?  I will still have to grades papers for my online course, conferences to attend, gymnastics on Wednesdays for my daughter, birthday parties and other family obligations.  Also, let's not forget my full-time job!   It's a wonder any of us working moms even remember our names.  I think it's important to stay on top of commitments and here are some ways I try to keep my balancing act in order.

#1- Always try to plot out your responsibilities and due dates on a calendar.  Whether it be on a paper calendar or your computer calendar, like MS Outlook.   I use the calendars on my iphone, ipad, my computer at home, and my work computer.   I try to make sure they're consistent.

#2- Again, as I mentioned in a previous blog, creating a list is most useful and essential to keeping on track.

#3- Have an accountability group.  It could consist of a co-worker, a friend, your spouse, a parent, a sibling or a mentor.

#4- AH, Maybe it’s time for a mentor!  A mentor can help you stay on track career-wise and stay focused on your goals, whether it’s job-related or entrepreneurial.

#5- Just say no!  Sometimes it's okay to pass on groups, committees, social events and favors.  Don't let folks guilt you into things.  Over-extending yourself especially if you know that your hands are already full is a sure way to guarantee that you will fall flat on your face!  It's okay to just say no or not at this time.

The key to remember is that there will always be times that are more challenging than others. For example, right now, your career has become very demanding and you could have a family that includes a husband as well as small children.  The balancing act could never be more relevant right now. Although it could be more hectic, it’s reassuring to know that things do eventually calm down.  Children grow up and go off to college, not to mention, retirement will be on the horizon.  So these are the events we have to look forward to.  I truly believe that we become stronger individuals because there's so much that we're responsible for.  All we can do is take in and enjoy each and every moment before they're gone.

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